Unorthodox Fabrication
Fabricator, Home Machinist, Creator
I remember taking apart my mothers stereo when I was in 3rd grade because I knew there were electric motors inside. I used a hammer and a flat screw driver to dissasemble it. When I harvested the motors that use to play casset tapes, I re-purposed them to power a plastic tray and a few AA batteries through the bath tub.
As I grew older and became more aware of tools and their individual purpose, it opened my eyes to my own ability to create. When I was 17 years old my dad mentioned there was a local trade school that had a "Machining Technologies" 2 year program. When I found out how much that costs, I knew I could not afford that (about 23,000.00 USD in 2003). In 2010 my military contract was ending, I had a small shot at it but persued to transfer my MOS (Military Occupation Specialty to a Machinist 44E). This worked out and I went to Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. I graduated the school as the distinguished graduate.
Within 6 months after the training, I purchased my first Metal Lathe. It is the big white one that is always in my videos, it is a 14x40 model. As far as milling machines, I have owned quite a few now, and my favorite still remains the 9x42 bridgeport. I no longer have one, but someday plan on it when I get more space available. The quality of a bridgport is unmatched by any other machine I have owned.
The main reason I have a website and youtube channel devoted to this passion is simple, I cant seem to find enough people locally who actually appreciate how cool it is to make projects come to life. Instead of boring friends and family to death, I would rather share my shop time with you guys, and hopefully inspire the creator in a few that would not have otherwise continued the path. Also I hope to motivate existing fabricators and machinists, programmers, to continue producing their videos and if they dont make videos, please start. There are a lot of us that love to watch and learn.
-Evan Toland
Evan Toland